“It’s a joy to support Chris and Tara in their work of training pastors and pastors wives around the globe. Our wealth of educational and pastoral wisdom in the States can blind us to the riches we have been given and that we can offer to the needs worldwide. By hearing stories from the field, and by seeing the videos and pictures of smiling faces of local pastors in these foreign places, you quickly realize the deep impact that can be made by one couple who is dedicated to the global spread of the gospel. What can be of greater importance for us to give from the comforts and abundance we have?”

— Tony and Karalee Reinke, faithful GTN Team Members

Having been friends with Chris and Tara for decades, it's been a joy to see them find such a natural fit for their gifts. It seems every week is ripe with a new story of lives impacted and families uplifted, all across the globe. Their love and care for these pastors and their families is inspiring. And the impact of training pastors, who are leading and caring for their communities, has exponential effects, rippling outwards across neighborhoods, cities, and generations. They are literally changing the world.

— Jeff McFadden, faithful GTN Team Member

“I was teaching a lesson on “Prophet” recently. We considered what an Old Testament prophet was, looked at a (long) list of aspects of Jesus’ life that were foretold by prophets and fulfilled in Him, and then considered “The Prophet like Moses,” reviewing some of the parallels between Jesus and Moses that confirm He is that Prophet. At the end, a woman in the class declared through tears of joy that she was overwhelmed to see all these things in the Bible.  Many of us in the room were deeply moved by her testimony, and several said that as we studied Biblical theology together, their hearts were burning within them, like the disciples to whom Jesus opened the Scriptures on the road to Emmaus! 

It’s so easy for us to undervalue or take for granted the blessings and benefits of the solid teaching that many of us have enjoyed, but which our brothers and sisters in other parts of the world have not. What a joy and a privilege, and how worthwhile it is, to pass along to them these treasures from God’s Word, which they are so hungry for and so appreciative to receive! As leaders in their respective churches, they leave the meetings equipped to better teach their congregations and build up the churches in Colombia.”

— Greg Hodson, GTN Team Member and Assistant Trainer

“As a family with two children under five, it seems unimaginable to travel to far-off lands to help share the gospel. Through Chris (and Tara), with GTN, we are able to support someone we know has a heart for Christ and his kingdom. It gives us joy to see the faces of the lives he touches as he teaches others how to teach all that He has commanded. It is a blessing to us to have someone faithful who lets us partner with him as we share the good news!.”

— Jay and Casey Brown, faithful GTN Team Members

We spent several years of our early marriage living in both France and Germany and attending culturally diverse expat churches. There we had the privilege of attending services regularly with friends from Europe, Asia, and Africa and seeing firsthand how the joy of the gospel is truly contagious, transcending language and cultural differences and uniting His people throughout the world. 

Through those experiences and the teachings and mentorship of our pastors in both countries, God grew both our faith in His sovereignty and our heart for the nations. One thing in particular He opened our eyes to was the need that exists for the support and care for pastors and church planters serving abroad and the lack of support and training opportunities there often is for this. 

When Chris and Tara shared with us their heart and desire to partner with GTN to help equip, encourage and sustain pastors throughout the world, it was never a question that we would want to be a part of it. It’s been a blessing and gift to be a fly on the wall of his experiences and to watch God work through this ministry. We look forward to being as active in partnership with Chris and Tara as God allows and feel blessed to be a part of the ministry team!

— Drew and Lisa Keppel, faithful GTN Team Members

We feel very passionate about the work being done around the world with GTN. From our experience in our Christian life we have become convinced that studying and understanding scripture is paramount in knowing God. To the level that we have become better students of scripture is the level at which we have been able to grow spiritually as we learn who the God that we love is and what He calls us to do.

So what does this have to do with GTN? We are not on this journey alone. It has been through the guidance of trusted pastors and others, who are equipped to teach us how to study God’s word, that we have been successful. Having a pastor who is able to rightly divide God’s word of truth is important for the church.

In America, we sit fat with theology tools to help us and pastors to guide us, while the majority world are poor in these things. We fully support the mission of GTN to equip pastors around the world to be better students of scripture and grow in their application of the gospel.

In our time supporting Chris and Tara, we have been kept informed of all the important work that is happening as they go to each country. We receive regular updates and have many opportunity to pray for these pastors and their churches. We feel blessed to partner with Chris, Tara, and GTN for this important work!

— Vitaliy and Rachel Chetverikov, faithful GTN Team Members

Decades ago, I found myself in a new city and plugged into a group of young men in a local church.  Chris was among that group and God has been faithful to allow us to remain friends all this time.  Chris' faithfulness to the various forms of ministry opportunities that God has placed before him has been an inspiration to me over the years.  This has been made possible, no doubt, by the grace of God, and also by the incredible commitment that He and Tara have to seeing the glory of God proclaimed among the nations.

It's extremely gratifying to have the opportunity to participate in ministry with Chris and Tara just as meaningfully as we did in our early days, even if from afar.  They are among the most authentic people I've ever known and I am beyond proud to call them friends. It's no wonder that God uses them in such powerful ways since God has used them so mightily in mine.

— Ryan Soulier, faithful GTN Team Member

One of the unique aspects we love about partnering with GTN is the relational commitment to the pastors and communities being trained. The multi-year, multi-visit program fosters "loving discipleship" rather than only teaching "theoretical theology." It is the sharing of lives and truth by the Spirit across time and culture that makes GTN unusually effective. To share in the joy of that work with Christ and Tara is an extension of the love and joy we have in our relationship with them. To God be the glory and to us the joy.

— Sam and Melinda Macrane, faithful GTN Team Members

I had an incredible time in Colombia with GTN. It was a well planned trip filled with meaningful work. The church leader trainings were well organized so that each theologically solid lesson flowed from one to the next. The group of church leaders were hungry to learn and grow. Through these trainings with church leaders, we were able to impact 17 different church bodies in Colombia! It was such a joy to see their zeal for Jesus and hear about their incredible sacrifices to make Him known. I can’t wait for my next trip.

— Philip Woods, Pastor at The Well Church in Longmont, CO and a GTN Partner